Sunpride Articles

Alfonso Ossorio | Victorias drawings as his spiritual influence on the visual image of Christ


“Well, one can say a continuing interest in problems which religion covers such as birth, death, sex – these particular aspects of humanity. And certainly religion is either revealed or…

Virtue Village | Reclaiming and reimagining the idea of “queer community”


“We are tired of portrayals of our community by mainstream society that are homonormalised, overly positive or pitiful. We just have to be honest and blunt, whether the truth is…

Loo Zihan | A meticulous investigation into history, memory and identity by re-enactment and re-creation

1920 1080 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

“In my moving image practice, I explore the politics of reconstructing a moment of personal trauma and shame. My performance work investigates the performing body and its relationship to the…

Ellen Pau | From Song of the Goddess (1992) to 52Hz (2022), reviewing the milestone of Hong Kong queer history

1440 800 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

“Video records your growth and dreams. The maker/author of a movie exists as a transparent being, external to the images. However, the maker/author of a video becomes part of, or…

Shu Lea Cheang | Interrogating the distance between punishment and pleasure, surveillance and lust

4550 2400 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

‘When we start using this term “gender fluid”… in a way, I really want to have this kind of switchable gender. At the moment, a lot of people are trying…

Joshua Serafin | Unpacking codes of representation and performativity from pageant competitions

1198 1600 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

“Dance, for me, has become a platform to tackle and materialize all of the ideas I’m interested in. But it’s also a two-way relationship — while dancing gives me this…

Sornchai Phongsa | Revisiting the relationship between the self and family belief system


“I start to work on a theme of MON ethnic minority groups in South East Asia, focusing on Animism because this topic is related to my family belief system, It’s…

Tseng Kwong Chi | A Flâneur living between the East and the West


“I am an inquisitive traveler, a witness of my time, and an ambiguous ambassador” — Tseng Kwong Chi Tseng Kwong Chi, “New York, NY (World Trade Center)”, 1979 | Image…

Trevor Yeung | Projecting emotional and intellectual scenarios on biological substitutes

1280 830 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

“Intimacy is important in my artworks. And not only intimacy between the audience and the artworks, but also between myself and the material. Some artists spend 15 years studying colour.…