The SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION embraces the rich creative history of LGBTQ community. By exhibiting and preserving art that speaks to the society at large, it aims to foster a stronger, healthier and more equitable world for LGBTQ people and their allies; and to encourage and inspire a generation of young artists to take action and create positive changes to the LGBTQ experience.
Story of Our Logo
Gold represents the color of the sun, and the color that is selected for SUNPRIDE’s logo. The six stripes call to mind the six colors of the rainbow flag which has become an easily recognizable symbol of gay pride worldwide. Furthermore, the curvilinear modulation of the stripes suggests both a flag gently swaying in the wind and the letter ‘S’ in SUNPRIDE. The font used for the English lettering is the very readable Museo Sans, and that, in combination with the bold Chinese font, contribute to a neat and succinct look.
As an Asia-based nonprofit organization, SUNPRIDE, armed with a clear and visually striking logo, engages in artistic dialogues with various entities while prides itself as a voice for the LGBTQ community. The flag is raised, and the pioneering spirit proudly marches on.

Story of Our Name
The name ‘SUNPRIDE’ comes from the desire to promote equality for all human beings, including the LGBTQ community. The Sun is a universal source of life nurturing all living things on Earth, while Pride is synonymous with humanity’s striving towards a more equitable and harmonious future.
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