Art Basel Hong Kong 2021 | Show Floor Discovery with Patrick Sun

1986 1241 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

Why I Collect: Patrick Sun | As told to Nick Yu for Art Basel

1986 1241 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

“What sets the Sunpride Foundation apart from other private initiatives is why and how we collect. Our mission is to foster a stronger, healthier, and more equitable world for the…

Meet The Collector: Patrick Sun On His Acquisition Strategy And Fostering Better LGBTQ+ Representation In Art | CoBo Social

1600 1066 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

He is now known among the art community for his large-scale exhibitions promoting LGBTQ+ art in Asia, but real estate developer Patrick Sun began his path collecting art with an…

Guanyu Xu | Queering his childhood home by photo installations


“My home and the images I was exposed to influenced my desire and made me the person I am today, in releasing that history and releasing those archives, I can…

Ho Tam | From art creations to art publication projects

989 1280 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

“I used to exhibit my work in galleries, but an exhibition is limited by the location and visited by so many people. For me, the printed medium is like a…

From Here to Eternity: Sunil Gupta. A Retrospective at Photographers’ Gallery, London


“From participating in New York’s active Gay Liberation Movement in the 1970s to his more recent campaigning for gay liberation in India, Sunil Gupta has been inspirational to generations of…

When Drawing Creates Life: What we can learn from Keith Haring

2007 1307 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

Denise Tsui for CoBo Social, 9 October 2020 “30 years after his death, Keith Haring’s artistic legacy continues to live in the public artwork and sculptures he created all around the…

Felix Gonzalez-Torres | The Puzzle Series of Encapsulating Intimacy

2048 1694 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

“Above all else, it is about leaving a mark that I existed: I was here. I was hungry. I was defeated. I was happy. I was sad. I was in…

Naraphat Sakarthornsap | The myths of gender and sexuality are revealed by floriography and photography

1730 1155 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

Born in Thailand in the 90s, Naraphat Sakarthornsap graduated from the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. He explores the topic of social and gender equality through…