Queer art

Fuyuhiko Takata | Using humour to explore issues of the patriarchy in contemporary society

1500 1065 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

“I often portray people who do not always live up to their ideals, who are vulgar and honest about their desires in my work. I believe that all human beings…

Waswo X. Waswo | To reveal and explore humanity through the hand-coloured photographic portraits

2267 1660 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

“When you first look at my pictures you know what you’re seeing. Then you realise what you first saw is not correct and you’re forced to look at them again,…

STIRWorld – Patrick Sun mobilises his art collection to celebrate queer identities


“Patrick Sun grew up in Hong Kong at a time when being gay was viewed as a source of familial shame. On coming out to his mother, the real estate…


Salman Toor | Creating the safe and magical spaces by narrative paintings

800 1000 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

“By creating private, deeply comfortable spaces, I hope to give dignity and safety to the boys in my paintings.” — Salmon Toor Salman Toor | Image courtesy of the artist,…

Raqib Shaw | Garden as his paradise on earth


“Going inside my paintings helped me calm my mind… The working ethos of the studio is first and foremost: how do we create beauty?… The troubles of the outside world…

General Idea | Serious Humor

1280 960 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

“In Canada we were seen as not being really serious. Also, people would tell us that you can’t be a group and be an artist, artists don’t work in groups.…

Ching Ho Cheng | The Subtlety of Expression


“I want to capture something of the miraculous. Light is the most awesome symbol of the Order of the Universe. Nothing can beat the speed of light. When I paint…

Christopher K. Ho l Thinking about institutions building institutions as tools as instruments for change through institutions


“It has this idea of a work also being half. Half out, half on the margins, but halfway in. And, actually, that kind of mediating position of curating is one…

Duane Michals | Telling the nature of the person in his “prose portraits”

1280 1038 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

“I think photographs should be provocative and not tell you what you already know. It takes no great powers or magic to reproduce somebody’s face in a photograph. The magic…

Mickalene Thomas | Her paintings reinterpret canonized images of beauty, diversifying the representations of black female bodies in art and history

800 1000 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

“I’m hoping someone standing in front of my work might get the same feeling I got when I stood in front of the work of Carrie Mae Weems, having a…