
Arin Rungjang | Welcome to My World

1347 983 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

“Every time Tee (a transgender woman won a transgender beauty competition) came to visit at our house, my heart would beat hard. I remember wishing to be beautiful like her.…

Hou Chun-Ming | Unbridled but not out of control

1082 684 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

“Handling the most important problem that you need to face and solve now is the most accurate and powerful creation. Honesty is crucial. Point to the core and don’t dodge.…

Martin Wong | Realism in the hand of an urban dreamer

1280 617 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

“Taking down to street level this time, I wanted to focus in close on some of the endless layers of conflict that has us all bound together… Always locked in,…

Jes Fan | Installation of human organs broaden the body and gender fluidity


“I think my work is about identity, more so about the lapse between the vessel and the interior, and the mistranslation or the kind of crossing between them.”— Jes Fan…

Dinh Q. Lê | Identity and sense of belongings are woven by photographs


“These early weavings were really about me trying to locate my place in America, in the West. During my lunch breaks at high school, as my English was very bad,…

Patrick Sun on Spreading LGBTQ+ Art in Asia by LUX

1280 857 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

“Patrick Sun is pushing forward a movement very close to his heart, through his foundation, Sunpride. Sunpride seeks to give equal opportunities to LGBTQ+ in the art world. Here, Sun,…


Ren Hang | Wandering on the edge, lost in the world


“Nudes are there since always. We were born nude. So talking about revolution, I don’t think there’s anything to revolutionize. Unless people are born with clothes on, and I want…

Hsi Shih-Pin | How crazy the heart is; how free the soul is

1805 1709 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

‘People sometimes don’t react for the sake of reaction. You merely listened to your fundamental voice, and then expressed. The function of art is to inspire more people’s imaginations. The…

Balbir Krishan | Insisting on constructing the texture of human skin by using dots and lines

2000 1657 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

“First, I would tell (younger self) that little kid to speak, to any trusted person who might have stopped the sexual violence. Looking back, though, I realize there was no…

Ming Wong | The career in acting under cross play, cross-dressing and gender resetting

1200 800 SUNPRIDE FOUNDATION | 驕陽基金會

’This is one kind of “cross-dressing” no matter if I act as a male in the play, an old character or a young character, even speaking the foreign language in…